At our country so many of which utilize electrical energy. Because of in our daily activity always uses electrical energy, such as cooking, studying, watching television and so forth, so many the benefit of electrical energi in our life. the following is a benefit of the electrical energy.

a.) As a light room
the first of benefit electrical energi is as a light room. Electrical energy can turn on the light in our rooms. in ancient times when there was no light, people use kerosene as a light. Followong to the development of modern in tecnology, now they use electrical energy as a light.
b.) Sources of energy
The electrical energy used as an energy source. Known as the electrical energy source can be used as an energy producer. For example, is a source of energy to turn a wide range of household appliances and other electronic equipment.
c.) Entertainment facility
entertainment facilities can use electric energy also. For example, Smartphone, playstation, and several other games that use electrical energy.
So, what a important electronical energy in our life. I think not only that but still many the benefit of lectrical energy in our life. I do hope to be useful and add to your knowledge. If I have so mani mistake, please forgive me. Thanks.
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