Bananas are a favorite fruit for all people. This fruit is very easy to find, because of in every village there are many banana tree. if you are regularly eat bananas bananas there are many benefits for your health. If there are still people who do not like bananas, you will change your mind if you already know the benefits. Bananas can be consumed by all ages also, so don't worry.

Bananas has many vitamins and minerals essential to the body, such as vitamin C, vitamin B complex, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and magnesium. The following are the health benefits of bananas for the body.
Bananas can improve the health of kidney
You need to know, eat a banana a few times a week can reduce up to 50 percent of kidney disease. Bananas are a good source of potassium, because of it controls blood pressure and regulate the function of the kidneys remain healthy, and it's been proven.
Bananas can lose weight
Besides the bananas can make us satisfied, it turns bananas can also lose weight. In addition, the fiber content of bananas encourage weight loss by increasing metabolism. if you want to lose weight, you can use a banana as a medicine.
Bananas can improve brain health
You should know that bananas can also improve brain health. from now on, you must consume it regularly and as many as three times a day as a dessert. So that the health of your brain awake.
Bananas can be used improving the digestive system
If you are disturbed digestive problems, start from now on you should regularly consume bananas, because of the bananas can make the digestion be better. So in the end the various nutrients from food consumed to be absorbed and used by the body optimally.
Can treat ulcer disease
Banana can be used as a medicine for ulcer. because of the bananas contain substances antidote acid in the body and thus can relieve heartburn.
The bananas can treat acne
How to use bananas to treat acne is, the first destroy meat ripe bananas. Then apply on the skin with acne. Let stand for a few minutes and then wash with water. Repeat this way for several days until the acne is gone and the skin becomes clean. Don't forget to do regularly
That's some the benefits of bananas on the health of the body . Now, you already know some benefits of bananas. So, You don't be ever ignore the importance of the benefits of bananas.

Bananas has many vitamins and minerals essential to the body, such as vitamin C, vitamin B complex, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and magnesium. The following are the health benefits of bananas for the body.
Bananas can improve the health of kidney
You need to know, eat a banana a few times a week can reduce up to 50 percent of kidney disease. Bananas are a good source of potassium, because of it controls blood pressure and regulate the function of the kidneys remain healthy, and it's been proven.
Bananas can lose weight
Besides the bananas can make us satisfied, it turns bananas can also lose weight. In addition, the fiber content of bananas encourage weight loss by increasing metabolism. if you want to lose weight, you can use a banana as a medicine.
Bananas can improve brain health
You should know that bananas can also improve brain health. from now on, you must consume it regularly and as many as three times a day as a dessert. So that the health of your brain awake.
Bananas can be used improving the digestive system
If you are disturbed digestive problems, start from now on you should regularly consume bananas, because of the bananas can make the digestion be better. So in the end the various nutrients from food consumed to be absorbed and used by the body optimally.
Can treat ulcer disease
Banana can be used as a medicine for ulcer. because of the bananas contain substances antidote acid in the body and thus can relieve heartburn.
The bananas can treat acne
How to use bananas to treat acne is, the first destroy meat ripe bananas. Then apply on the skin with acne. Let stand for a few minutes and then wash with water. Repeat this way for several days until the acne is gone and the skin becomes clean. Don't forget to do regularly
That's some the benefits of bananas on the health of the body . Now, you already know some benefits of bananas. So, You don't be ever ignore the importance of the benefits of bananas.
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