The simple house roof models. Now the designer of the simple house roofs are getting smarter in shaping some good roof design and create interest in the buyer to buy. The roof in addition to the use for protection from the rain and the heat of the sun, the roof also functioned as the beauty in a modest home. Thus the design model on a house roof today looks unique and nice. But in designing this modest house roof model, the functional principle remains to be put forward than aesthetic aspects.
Before you make a simple roof design, you have to see where you live, if in the tropics, rain and wind are the main factors to be considered in the design of this modest house roof model. Biasanya curah hujan disana termasuk tinggi, sebaiknya anda membuat model atap rumah sederhana supaya dapat melindungi anda. Usually there is high rainfall, we recommend you create a model of a simple house roof in order to protect you. Therefore, it is usually the simple house roof models for tropical areas have a fairly large part tritis allow more to protect the wall outside the house from heat and rain. In a minimalist home design, roofs are usually pruned so that the tritis to be shorter, with consequences on the area of the wall where there is a window frame or door, made a kind of roof structure to protect. Usually made of cast concrete to make it look presentable. Although I suggest like that, you can add a bit of design, so that your home look more beautiful.
To the corner of the roof, the designer can choose alone would determine how to use the angle of the roof of a modest home. So you do not need to be confused to design on the corner of the roof of the house. you can be free, you do not need to be too concerned anymore about roofing materials, because of the current relatively many options that can be taken by designer.
Image Model Simple House Roof

The model simple roofs in the picture above, is still a lot we meet on the roof model humble houses now. The roof model is not the same height and size of the roof slope toward the front of the house makes the house look elegant and beautiful. Of course, you can provide additional accents on the roof cover material to make it more attractive.
Other simple roof models

In a simple model of the roof above, not much different from previous models. However model roof is visible from the front looks much simpler. In designing the roof of your house should be able to adjust, you can invite the neighbors to view of the whole, so that can help you.
If for example your house in relatively dense areas and the distance of your home at very close of the other house, you have a nice design with beautiful and will not be clearly visible and only the front visible. If like that you are only add more beauty to the front of your home, so that look more beautiful. I hope my posting this time can be helpful. Thanks.
Before you make a simple roof design, you have to see where you live, if in the tropics, rain and wind are the main factors to be considered in the design of this modest house roof model. Biasanya curah hujan disana termasuk tinggi, sebaiknya anda membuat model atap rumah sederhana supaya dapat melindungi anda. Usually there is high rainfall, we recommend you create a model of a simple house roof in order to protect you. Therefore, it is usually the simple house roof models for tropical areas have a fairly large part tritis allow more to protect the wall outside the house from heat and rain. In a minimalist home design, roofs are usually pruned so that the tritis to be shorter, with consequences on the area of the wall where there is a window frame or door, made a kind of roof structure to protect. Usually made of cast concrete to make it look presentable. Although I suggest like that, you can add a bit of design, so that your home look more beautiful.
To the corner of the roof, the designer can choose alone would determine how to use the angle of the roof of a modest home. So you do not need to be confused to design on the corner of the roof of the house. you can be free, you do not need to be too concerned anymore about roofing materials, because of the current relatively many options that can be taken by designer.

The model simple roofs in the picture above, is still a lot we meet on the roof model humble houses now. The roof model is not the same height and size of the roof slope toward the front of the house makes the house look elegant and beautiful. Of course, you can provide additional accents on the roof cover material to make it more attractive.

In a simple model of the roof above, not much different from previous models. However model roof is visible from the front looks much simpler. In designing the roof of your house should be able to adjust, you can invite the neighbors to view of the whole, so that can help you.
If for example your house in relatively dense areas and the distance of your home at very close of the other house, you have a nice design with beautiful and will not be clearly visible and only the front visible. If like that you are only add more beauty to the front of your home, so that look more beautiful. I hope my posting this time can be helpful. Thanks.
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