The Benefits of Onions For Body Health

Red onion is a plant that is a flavor of various cuisines of the world, from Iran, Pakistan, and the mountains to the north, then cultivated in cold regions, sub-tropical and tropical. Tubers onions can be eaten raw, for seasoning, pickles, traditional medicine, the skin of the tuber can be used as a dye and leaves can also be used for vegetable mixture.

Benefits and efficacy of onion was the first to cure constipation. According to the study, the onion is one herb that contains lots of fiber. Fiber is what will help you in smooth bowel movement. In addition, raw onion is also beneficial to get rid of toxins in our intestines.

Benefits and efficacy of red onions second is to keep cholesterol levels. Red onions contain substances that can keep our cholesterol levels to remain in normal amounts. By doing so, automatically your body will also avoid the risk of heart disease.

Shallots are also renowned able to cope with the pain in the throat. Red onions contain a substance that is able to overcome a sore throat, cough and runny nose. How to create a potion is to smooth the raw onion then mix them with a little ginger and honey. Drink the potion as much as a spoon and drink 2 times a day.

Benefits and efficacy of onion The fourth is to reduce the risk of diabetes. Eating onions in a raw state is believed to reduce the risk of diabetes. Therefore, for those of you who do not want exposed to this deadly disease, eat a raw onion every day routine with a normal amount.

Benefits and efficacy of onion fifth is maintaining liver health. Raw onion is able to maintain the health of our hearts from various dangerous diseases. In addition, the famous red onion also able to overcome the problem of high blood pressure and reopen blocked arteries.

Benefits and efficacy of onion sixth is preventing the growth of cancer cells. Red onions contain sulfur which is able to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. The type of cancer risk can be minimized by eating onion is breast cancer, lung cancer, and prostate cancer.

Similarly, some of the benefits and efficacy of red onion for human health. Read also The Benefits of Garlic For Health

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